Taylor and Nick Rhodes, the Duran Duran founding members posing
with Salvo just after a regular working day at the studio, picture
taken on June 14th 2103. The duo is currently working together
on a musical, as Rhodes said to Harper's Bazaar: "That’s
something that we probably won’t have finished for a year
or more".
Maybe we have a couple of new Andrew Lloyd Webber in Duran Duran? |

15, 2013 [Hey! Tomorrow is the 33rd
anniversary of Duran's first live gig with
the Fab5 line-up at the Rum Runner!]
Over the last few months the band has been working intensely
on their new album, whose working tiltle is still unknow to
the public. They have been writing and recording in their small
London studio with Joshua Blair, the recording and mixing engineer
responsible for engineering "All You Need is Now. A small
studio, according to Simon, with a very small piece of equipment
compared their old studio setting... "we used to spend
a lot more time writing out of the studio, now we do much of
our writing inside the studio".
an ongoing process as always says Nick
make the point of the status of the making DD N°14 | This
installment is basically about the progress made in the making
of the album, so the page is filled with comments and news that
the band members have released through their official different
websites and social media, but there's also the fan point of
view... as I recently went to UK and had the great pleasure
to met the band. I spent a few, but always special, moments
with the guys. So this post is enriched with that personal aspect
and some new candid pictures of the guys.
Hope you like it!
Even though they are just moments the ones I spent with the
band, happy and personal ones I have to add, I can certainly
say that I've found them in great shape and in very good spirit
but above they all seemed very motivated and truly enthusiastic
about the work and the music they have been creating. They are
farther along in the process this time than they were with All
You Need Is Now and that's also another element of positivity.
One day, when we asked if they had in mind a release time, Nick
said that he hopes to release it in April..."
think it’s potentially doable
is also somehow the same thing he said recently on the KatyKafe
"I knows that is dangerous, but we set our own a goal,
a release probably in late spring next year. I'm not foolish
enough to make any promises but yes, I hope we can make it.
That means we have to have it largely finished this year, I
think it’s potentially doable.
after a deserved summer break [part of July and August] the
guys will keep working up to the end of the year to finish the
album, they aim for a Spring release and they actually hope
to tour over the Summer. We just hope that Durantime doesn't
apply this time around!
the studio
describe the atmosphere in the studio | Pieces of paper stack
on the wall with unrelated lyrics, and concepts…Lighting
is quite important, he says, Nick likes it so dark you can’t
see anything… some other people prefer it quite bright,
so we're trying to find a compromise. I tend to prefer darker,
more moody, sort of sight.
a co-production
Ronson is still involved but only partially on this album: "We
are writing, he's producing, said Simon during the recent Kafe
chat, that‘s the plan anyway. It's a co-production. "He
probably won’t do the whole album, he's very busy too
at the moment."
| Simon points out the importance to maintain the connection
to their fans, staying true to the band's musical value…
"so we are still very much in Duran Duran sound, but we
are developing the sound that we created on the last album,
it s a developement from there really, and it got funk, It’s
a bit more dancy perhaps than the last one. We are all in that
mood, we are all in a dancy, up-tempo mood at the moment. >>
most interesting sounds from today are coming from Dance music.
I think that still the revolution of synthesizers, which I was
a small part
of along the way,
is creating new sounds, new beats,
things that feel very, very modern.
Nick Rhodes, June 2013 Harper's Bazaar
Rhodes smiles to his fans, he always has a word and a moment
for everyone, very careful to his fan-base, just lovely as always! |

precious moment with the Maestro of Sound | Nick has been writing
lyrics and developing some ideas with Simon recently. |

when Simon introduced me to his friend saying, This is Salvo,
a good guy, a really good guy. |
is the word
That's also what Nick told me when I asked about the new album,
he used exactly the same word "groovy"
to describe the sound, and he also confirmed the funky
vein of some pieces.
recent comments about the work done are quite positive: "We
have got about 10 pieces of music, some of them have titles,
one of them is virtually finished, a lot of the songs sounds
very groovy, which I find pleasing personally. It’s different
from than the last album, there's a lot of energy in the songs,
in the sounds. There are few quite unusual pieces
says that he has been on a very creative mode recently: "we
did a lot of good work". When I asked how the work on the
new album was progressing he said "that’s alright
actually, interesting, good stuff!" While Nick answerd
to the fans asking the very same question: "good,
really good, slowly but surely".
Duran sound in three words according to Simon: Nude, Duran,
funky element seems to be a constant in every member's comment,
Simon said "the sound of Nile Rodgers/Daft Punk is an inspiration,
they defined the sound of the summer, and if everybody is happy
that way, that influences us... Nick
spoke using flattering words talking about the Daft
Punk's Get Lucky during a recent interview on the
Harpers Bazaar website>>

Looking at the usual places really, deep inside the self, says
Simon |
[H's B] Any current favorites?
You know that Daft Punk single you can’t go anywhere without
hearing? It’s for the right reason, I think. It’s
actually really cool, and it makes you smile, and it’s
a groovy piece of music.
It does a lot of things that I think people forget music can
do. There are a lot of songs out there that moan and complain
and protest — I get that, too. The best of those are some
of the greatest songs ever written.
But sometimes, it’s really great to just hear a song that
will lift your spirits and make you think, “Wow, I haven’t
heard anything like that before.”
loves Nile [check
always up for writing/working with Nile Rodgers says Simon
"Nile Rodgers, I think it’s a fantastic guitarist,
a very talented producer, and is also a lovely person to be
around and I would very much like working with Nile again. So
let's see what happens!" >>

a nice pic of Nick putting away in the inside pocket of his
jacket a pair of eyeglasses.
It was a nice moment, when I asked if he actually wear them,
he said yes and they are Prada.
to the general noise that humanity makes |

I write, the music is the most important thing,
the music to be happening, that’s the foundation.
I’m open to new things, things I hear, you know,
sometimes you hear bits of conversation,
when you are sitting on the bus,
and there you start thinking about
something that can turn into a song.
I’m always looking on the internet,
television, radio, just listening to
the general noise that humanity makes…
A lot of stuff just pops out,
sometimes a phrase just pop up into your head.
Something that your mind is being configuring
for a couple of years or something,
suddenly gets regurgitated and
it lands in you laptop really,
a lot of the times is like that.
Simon / KatyKafe |

and his mustache
glad to be one of the luckiest who actually saw the mustache
in person before Simon got rid of them. I liked his look, quite
unique I have to say. Even though he looks younger without I
think he was incredibly cool also with the mustache.
quite a collector of memorabilia about the early years of Simon
Le Bon as singer and actor, before he joined the band, so one
day I showed him an agency photograph of him when he was very
young and he was still working as an actor.
Well, I thought he was about 17 years old in that photo but
he corrected me, he was only 14 when the photo was taken! How
cool! So I replied "you didn't have mustache then..."
I suppose he was quite amused by the photo and by the funny
comment I made, so he started to draw a mustache on that picture,
he then dedicated to me and also wrote "ME"... just
in case someone didn't recognize him?! It was an hilarious moment!
I have to say that Simon was in really good spirit... I suppose
the long break he took after the tour, was all he needed to
go back to work with enthusiasm and joy. |

in his best impersonation of Daft Punk |
are still very much in Duran Duran sound,
but we are developing the sound that we created on the last
album, it s a developement from there really, and it got funk,
It’s a bit more dancy perhaps than
the last one. We are all in that mood, we are all in a dancy,
up-tempo mood at the moment."

Tidbit | According to Nick the new album will
be certainly available on iTunes and all the other digital outlets
such as amazon and so on… "I don’t know about
a major label... we will see what their options are..."
During the June Kafe Nick said that he would like to be able
to keep the flexibility to do the things they did on the last
project but with a bit of internatioanal support, a major distribution,
so major labels would be an option in this case. "The last
project was successful in parts" he commented, "and
uncessful in some ways... so we’ll see!" |

birthday and happy Summer, Keep on shining Nick Rhodes!
One day
I told Nick that words weren't enough to thank him for all the
creativity he puts in his job on for the great joy he brings
to us all. So, since words might have sound redundant I gave
him a little bunch of sunflowers... I thought they were appropritate
because the summer was about to start... He said that he loves
sunflowers and I remember that found it funny when he litterally
put his nose inside the bunch flowers trying to smell the scent...
* The
sunflower's petals have been likened to bright yellow rays of
sunshine, which evoke feelings of warmth and happiness. In addition,
the sunflower is often associated with adoration, dedication
and longevity. |

51 or 15? This photo was taken on June 11th, so just few days
after Nick's birthday... when I wished him happy birthday I
told him,
"You look great, you actually look like 15 years old rather
than 51" |
inside and outside. Always. |
the instant look! Bad hair day anyone? Learn from John Taylor
how to adjust your hairstyle in just four moves! |

you'll look great! Ladies and gentlemen the awesome John Taylor! |

in June Hello! magazine dedicated to Gela Nash Taylor and John
Taylor a six page feature filled with glossy and exclusive pictures
taken in their wonderful home in Los Angeles. The magazine was
just published when I was in London so when I saw John I asked
him if he had seen the feature already, and since he hadn't,
I showed him some pics of it that I had on my mobile and I had
just posted on my facebook. Funny to see JT using my mobile...
So I thought it would have been nice to get a copy of the mag
for him to see when he was off from work.
When I gave him the magazine he started to look at the pics
and we also commented the feature... I congratulated him for
the beautiful house and he replied [laughing] with irony "yeah
beautiful... no that I’m ever there!"
plays quite a lot of Jupiter 8 [and Prophet-5]
on this album, because he likes the old analog synthesizers,
he preferes them to digital ones because he thinks he can
get a lot more variations and sounds." I tend to agree,
adds Simon, "Nick became quite an addict on fiddling
around, there’s more artistry, more creativity in
making your own sounds rather than just using the presets
of the digital synthesizers... "
- It's
funny to see how the the band is often not aware of the
various official compilations and greatest-hits that EMI
releases without giving them any notice or sending them
the released product. It happened in London when long time
fan Gerardo asked Nick to sign his copy of The
Biggest And Best double cd... after signing it, he started
looking the record suspiciously and with a critical eye.
We wasn't particulary pleased with the packaging/design
of the cd. Just a reflection on how EMI does have complete
control over the Duran Duran back catalogue...
- I asked
Nick if he could confirm The Wedding Album
re-release and he said: "Yes, sure, is gonna be reissued...
I think it will be good" about the Liberty
reissue instead he said a resonant no, not at the moment
at least: "no, because John and I wanna remix it, we
wanna fiddle with it..."
- The
band is still talking about releasing Reportage
in it's own – they won’t recycle any of the
songs for DD N° 14 because from a business point of
view, it would be hard to mix the current stuff with previous
stuff they've worked on with Andy. “There are some
beautiful songs, which really deserve a whole release”
says Simon.
duo DJs Le Bon Tong aka Amber Le Bon and Becky Tong dropping
beats and major style at
Love & Liquor, June 14th 2013 |

don’t just play the same songs, it’s a one-off performance."
you can, don't miss out the chance to attend a Le Bon Tong deejay
set! I had the pleasure to dance at their beat during a cool
night out at Love & Liquor in London on June 14th.
Becky and Amber mix indie and dance,
it's a very dynamic duo.
Like her superstar DJ father Pete Tongthe, Becky 21-year-old
is getting London dancing. And she is doing it with a little
help from her friend, the model Amber Le Bon, 23, daughter of
“Having two people on the decks together is a hoot,”
says Clement Ogbonnaya, creative director at Kilburn’s
Love & Liquor Club. “The crowd enjoy seeing them interact,
it’s like a chance to hang out with them. You can imagine
you’re in their living room."
Becky says: "If you’re alone in the booth you can
play what you like but if Amber is there we laugh off mistakes.
She likes more indie music, like her dad, and I’m more
dance-orientated so we go with her style at the start and end
with mine. Once you’ve got the technical side, which is
difficult, it’s a performance.”
Do they ever play Simon Le Bon’s music? “She’d
cringe. I think she’s heard those songs too much, it would
be naff.”
Is there ever competition between duos? In the case of Le Bon
Tong, it’s not a problem because they excel in their own
fields — Tong as a radio plugger for Media Village PR
helping new bands get heard, and Le Bon as a model. They have
known each other since childhood.
“The Le Bons are a cool family — calm, nice people,”
says Tong. After sets, the two always go out. “I always
cancel my car home. You can’t just go straight to bed.
Amber and I talk about all sorts, boys, weird stuff.”
Le Bon has a spare room in her house at the moment and Tong
is looking to move out of her mum’s place, yet on Tong’s
salary from her day job in the music industry she says, “Amber’s
rent is way too expensive”. Although Pete Tong is worth
an estimated £20m, he encourages Becky to be independent.
[edited from the London Evening Standartd article]
Taylor at the Men's Health Challenge: alcohol, mental health
and suicide |

in London I had the pleasure to attend the "Joint-Meeting
of All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse, Men's
Health and Samaritans" where John Taylor did a a heartfelt
introduction talking about his experience in alcohol and drugs
addiction and his his deep belief in the 12-step program.
The conference took place at the Wilson Room, Porticullis
House, part of the UK Parliament, on June 12th at 3.30 pm.
I went there with my Argentinian friends and long time fans,
Fabiana, Gerardo and Daniel.
The entry was free and does not have to be arranged in advance.
Sessions and conferences are often held in public and a limited
number of seats are available to the public on a first come
first served basis... so we got inside and sat just in front
of John who blinked at me as soon as he reconized me. How
Below a transcription of his 7 minutes long speech which was
warmly applauded by Tracey Crouch MP[Chair
of the All Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse - in the
above pic she's in the center], Norman Lamb MP
[Minister of State for Care abd Support], Dr Richard
de Visser [school of Psychology, University of Sussex],
Mr David Wilkins [Men's Health Forum], Dr
Amy Chandler [Centre for Research on Families and
Relationships, University of Edinburgh], and of course by
everyone in the room, including us.
of John Taylor's speech by Salvo
Hi Everybody,
I’m an alcoholic, and a drug addict. I could not control
my use of alcohol or drugs and my using caused me to behave
in ways I never would have done had I been sober. Eighteen
years ago I checked into a rehab facility and I spent 30 days
there; it turned my life around. Based on this experience,
I believe in rehab.
I believe in the turn around that is possible through rehab.
A life that is spiralling and out of control
can remain useful and successful, once you are living drug
and alcohol free. It was in rehab that I was first introduced
to the 12-step program of the Alcoholics Anonymous.
[I don’t usually read from paper, but I’m
afraid I have to do that today, so bear with me.]

is a disease that is also a spiritual malady, I believe it’s
a form of genetic defect.
Why some of us can stop after one and some of us can’t
after twenty. Whether that is fact or not is unimportant,
what is important is believing in the idea. It lets everyone
off the hook. One thing everyone and everything you have ever
blamed for your life problems, and that’s a big deal.
Most of us could wind up in 12-step programs out there because
our lives aren’t working. Or more often life is crashing
down around us. Out of work and unemployable and family hardly
on speaking terms before help. That’s the perfect state
to enter a 12-step program. It’s called a gift of desperation.
And here’s another thing about alcoholism, it’s
an equal opportunity loss. It will bring down lawyers and
footballer, veterans and factory workers, rich or poor. It
recognizes not ethnicity, nor age... By the way, I still don’t
know which partner she works for. But that is so irrelevant
in this subject.
But getting to that place of acknowledgment, “I have
a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with drugs.”
Once there, I was ready to be helped. It was all right for
me, I could write the check.
But that’s not the case for the majority of people in
this country who want help now.
If the Government can step in and help more people over the
line and into treatment, that help will be the greatest gift
that can be given that person. Because if that person stays
sober, and it is a an if, [I acknowledge that not everyone
stays clean who enters rehab but many do], and that person
will be giving back to the community the rest of his life,
they become the ideal citizens we are so badly needing. >>

psychology, the education of knowing
who we are and why we do what we do,
as part of the 12-step treatment plan,
apparently on offer in this country only to the few,
is an extraordinary one, and one day
I would love to see it being offered to all who need it. |

photo, suggested by John
from left: Salvo, Fabiana, John, Daniel and Gerardo |
How to help get them there? A nationwide program to inform
or to appease with the success rate of the 12-step program.
That this should be the treatment of choice for the problems
consistent of drug users. This has been mentioned and is a
good idea. More young offenders could be off of drug and alcohol
treatment instead of prison. Drug courts have proven successful
in west London and the United States.
Careers in drug and alcohol counselling should be encouraged.
There are already great courses available at the University.
Many ex-drug addicts and alcoholics return to a career in
counselling. But most people currently considering a degree
in counselling would not be there for the loan. This is a
late life commitment.
But this is not a job for any inexperienced 18-year old, who
won’t be able to have resources to turn to this line
of work and for now to enrol into two years of study and an
expensive loan. Perhaps funding could be found in scholarships
which the government could then match.
In my case 30 days of residential treatment facility was enough
but many of us need more. And it is significant to recognize
that in order to maintain abstinence you must follow the rehab
treatment with an ongoing peer support program, commonly known
as “working the 12 steps,” upon leaving the facility.
An alcoholic or a drug addict’s recovery is never over.
And he or she are never completely recovered just because
they have completed rehab.
According to the proven formula for the 12-step programs for
drugs and alcohol, abstinence must be practiced one day at
the time, without ever picking up that first drink or drug.
And this can only become a success story, as far as I know,
with ongoing peer support, the meetings and the sponsoring,
the mentioned aspects of the 12-step program.
Residential treatment is neither free nor cheap, and after-care
as it exists within the hospital community is free. Whatever
the cost to put an individual through the residential treatment;
I believe its expenses will prove to be worthwhile.
Cheap compared to the expenses supporting someone with lifelong
addiction and alcohol problems, who is draining the NHS with
continued health issues; policing, court, and prison for crime
and family violence.
Evidence suggests that the greater number of individuals going
sober in 12-step programs are able to earn a profitable charge.
And as members of their community offer themselves in service
to other addicts and alcoholics who have less time than they
do. They give back in order to maintain their own abstinence,
therefore helping the system that helped them.
Rehab is not always necessary, AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] gets
the greater numbers of its members directly in off the streets,
but more and more I hear gratitude from people who say without
getting to rehab, if only for 30 days, they would not be alive
today let alone be a functional, thriving, useful member of
society. >>

the Government can step in and help more people over
the line and into treatment, that help will be the greatest
gift that can be given that person.
Because if that person stays sober, that person will be giving
back to the community the rest of his life,
they become the ideal citizens we are so badly needing. |

When a person with a serious problem needs to be
taken out of circulation and once is ready to get away from
the home, and the clubs and the supermarkets, and all the
local triggers, rehab is the best option.
Today more rehabs are closing than are opening. Only about
2% of problem drug users in the system are allowed to go into
rehab. Over one billion pounds is spent on combating drugs
each year, only 2-3% of that is spent on rehab.
than rehabs being forced to close they should be expanding
services including development, and specialists in residential
facilities for young people.
Anyone who has the wherewithal to understand and accept their
problem for what it is, that they have a problem with alcohol
or drugs that they cannot stop by themselves, should be encouraged
to get help; that is treatment and the government should be
prepared to help make that happen.
My thought is that this is a similar situation to the world
of our education, which was once a privilege available only
to the few. After the War, we realized that every member of
our society is important as the other and a plan was put in
place for this change to rise to the greater good.
The psychology, the education of knowing who we are and why
we do what we do, as part of the 12-step treatment plan, apparently
on offer in this country only to the few, is an extraordinary
one, and one day I would love to see it being offered to all
who need it.
Thank you.

thanks and hugs to Fabiana, Gerardo and Daniel, it wouldn't have been
the same without you guys!
thanks to Angie for your great help! Ultra
special thanks and love to my wife Claudia and my two wild boys, Angelo
and Nicolò, for their support.
only aim of this online-fanzine is to celebrate Duran
Duran and their members. This is a non-profit activity
and there are not commercial purposes behind the existence
of the site. This webzine is just a positive place to
share love, passion, stories, news and pics among Duran
Duran fans. Any Duran Duran fan is welcomed to submit
reports, reviews, news, pics, etc.
is a fan-site made with passion from a fan to all the
fans of Duran Duran on Planet Earth.
Contact the editor and webmaster salvo@duranasty.com
if you want to use any of them | the life and times
of D u r a n a s t y ® All rights reserved
Duran Duran website www.duranduran.com | Fan Community
you Duran Duran for being a daily source of inspiration
with your Art
